
The STEM Street Clubhouse is now open!
The Clubhouse concept provides children with a two hour session every Saturday, where they will be provided with computers, components, and resources to help them learn and practice programming and applied computer science skills. Children can stay at the Clubhouse for the whole duration of their two hour session or they can leave earlier.
They will be free to work and learn at their own individual pace. There are no structured classes as such but we will provide them resources and ideas for projects, engage with them and mentor them with their ideas and activities, and facilitate their learning by teaching them concepts that they wish to learn.
We would encourage you to discuss your child's learning objectives, aspirations, and current skill levels with our facilitators so we can provide your child with personalised support to help them learn and build on their ideas.
Topics and concepts covered
We promote an application-based approach at the Clubhouse and we will encourage children to think about challenges and problems around them and how they can use computer science and electronics to solve them. In addition, we will also help them learn some important theoretical and practical skills within this field, as outlined in the concepts below.
Computational thinking
A basic introduction to computational thinking, its components, and real-life examples of how its application is important in solving problems
Introduction to digital-making
Connecting a single-board computer to LED lights and buzzers, and controlling them using Scratch commands.
Basic commands in Scratch
Setting up a Scratch account, and understanding the Scratch environment, basic commands, and working on a simple project to understand how it all comes together.
Understanding the world around us using digital-making
More advanced electronic components - such as light, motion, and temperature sensors - and understanding how to control them using Scratch on a single-board computer.
Advanced commands in Scratch
More advanced code block systems in Scratch, understanding how user interaction can be controlled, and developing a holistic approach towards using Scratch to build a program.
Machine Learning using Scratch
Using Google's Teachable Machine tool to build and execute a Machine Learning model using Scratch.